Every phone call from my mother began the same way: “Hi love! It’s only me!” (Those were dinosaur days, pre-caller ID.) I’d respond with truthful but exaggerated exasperation: “Yeah, Ma. Just the person I owe my life to, without whom I’d not exist!” We’d laugh, confirm that this call – as usual – came at a ridiculously inopportune time, then we’d slip into talk about everything and nothing. Toward her end, we’d circle back, two or three times.


Every phone call from my mother began the same way: “Hi love! It’s only me!”

Gertie in her then-cutting-edge kitchen.

Maybe this blog is a stand-in for those no-longer-possible phone calls, or just a long-overdue avenue for expression. I never wrote the autobiography my friends said should be titled “I Wake Up Talking,” but I do scribble a lot. I’m also a gatherer/keeper with a constant need to sort through things: My relationships with loved ones and the wider world, my emotions and memories, my stuff. I love to share, and if I don’t extend this to my thoughts, I might self-combust, end up a pile of salty ashes smoldering on one of the many pillows strewn across my well-loved bed. Three cats bereft, perplexed and pondering.

Now we wouldn’t want that, would we? So please indulge me as I expound on everything from society to sandwiches. I humbly hope you’ll stay with me through cyberspace. I don’t presume these musings are monumental; why should they be? After all, it’s only me.